In "The Must List" on the August 18, 2006, issue of Entertainment Weekly, the video was ranked number nine: "The votes have been tallied, and this year's award for Best Use of Treadmills in an Alt-Pop Music Video goes to ... ".[13] In July 2011, the music video was named one of "The 30 All-Time Best Music Videos" by Time magazine.[14]
Ok Go Here It Goes Again Mp3
Jenna: Yes, there is an important exception according to Title 21 to US Code section 879. Search warrants involving controlled substance can be served at anytime. In addition to controlled substance warrants, agents can get special night time permission to execute other kinds of warrants. They must show the court reasonable cause for being allowed to do so. So for example agents might have facts showing that a night time entry will ether prevent destruction of the evidence they are looking for or reduce the chance that the suspect will injure officers. Also, in some investigations like, illegal gambling, human trafficking, or prostitution, night time might be the only time the officers are likely to find the evidence they are looking for at that location.
Janna: Well they need to secure that premises, by that I mean if they had to force entry the door or window, they should try to security that entry the best they could even if that mean they had to boarding it up so other people can not clime in there and same goes for anything else that had to be forced open like a car door or a trunk of a car, they need to take wire or something and the best they can they need to secure that. Important too agents and officers need to leave a copy of that warrant and inventory of everything they took from that premises, they need to give it to the premises owner or if that person is not there or placed under arrest or taken away they need to leave a copy of the warrant and inventory in a conspicuous place on that premises so the owner can find it when he gets back.
There's been plenty written on how mp3 works, and why lossy compression sounds worse than uncompressed audio in general. My aim here is to demonstrate how mp3 sounds bad, for all the people who keep telling me there's no difference.
First, I need to make this clear - I have nothing against lossy audio or data compression in itself - I do most of my casual listening on an iPod, using 128kbps AAC files - they sound fine. Not as good as the original CDs, obviously, but OK. And yes, I'm well aware that AAC is just a more advanced version of mp3. But the fact is that mp3 has fundamental limitations - even at higher bitrates.
Don't expect the difference here to leap out at you straight away, it's more a case of feeling it - listen to the swirls of the harp from 30 seconds in, listen to the piano and Christine's voice - on the wav file, there's a warmth, and a depth, and a sparkle that in the mp3 has just gone.
Sometimes. This depends so heavily on the material, the encoder and the codec - you simply can't make blanket assumptions. Ironically one of the factors that makes mp3 so popular - the fact that there are so many encoders and players, some of which are free - also makes it far harder to get a decent encode. By contrast, the grip Apple have over the AAC format at least ensures consistently high standards of encoding.
No. Well alright, yes - I am a big fan of Apple's products, but there are plenty of other alternatives to mp3 - OGG Vorbis, FLAC etc. The only reason I mention AAC a lot is it's a format I have deep experience of, and always sounded good (but not perfect !) to me.
To everyone who keeps saying "just use 320 kbps", I say - why ?!? mp3 simply has inherent limitations compared to other formats. The whole point of lossy audio is to save space. At 128 kbps that saving is 90% - well worth having. At 320 kbps though, that saving is only 60% and it still doesn't sound great - I'd far rather go with FLAC or Apple lossless, which can often achieve an almost equivalent 50% saving in space, and have something that sounds identical to the source.
Above we have shown how you can create a very simple audio player, but what if we want to show progress, buffering and only activate the buttons when the media is ready to play? Fortunately, there are a number of events we can use to let our player know exactly what is happening.
The message is still completely understandable, if a little moreterse. We can compress the original message because a lot of theinformation is "redundant": some of the words are unnecessary and don'treally add all that much, so we don't lose the sense of the messagewhen we delete them. We could compress the message even further, but ifwe take out more words, it'll soon stop making sense. In other words, themore we compress a piece of information, the more we reduce itsquality. Even with a small amount of compression, some information has been lost: the telegram isless polite than the original message. And there's no way the receivercan take the 9-word message and figure out what were the other 18 wordswe deleted, so telegrams are an example of what we call lossycompression: the information we delete during compression is gone forgood.
There's no way of taking one of the low-res photos andgoing back to the hi-res original: once the information is lost, it's gonefor good. That means JPG is also a lossy compression.But note how much we can compress the original photo and stillrecognize what it is. Even with 95% compression, we can still make outthat this is a photo of an iPod. With 50% compression, we hardly loseany detail at all.
Inside an MP3 file, music is stored as long strings of bits (binarynumbers, zeros and ones) in a series of chunks called frames. Eachframe starts with a short header (a kind of table of contents),followed by the music data itself. At the start of an MP3 file there isa kind of "index card" that stores details of the track name, artist,genre, and so on. This information is called metadata and each part ofit (artist, track, and so on) is stored in what's called an ID3 tag.Many MP3 programs have an option that lets you "edit the ID3 tags." Itsounds technical and complex, but it's simply a way to change the"index card" at the front of the MP3 file.
All computers, which are machines that process information (data),have four basic components. They have an input device (for getting thedata in), a memory (for storing data), a processor (for working on thedata), and an output device (for getting the data back out again).Think of an iPod or MP3 player and you'll see that it has all thesethings. It has an input (probably a USB docking lead that hooks it upto your computer), a memory (either a small hard drive or aflash memory thatcan store MP3 files), a processor (something that can read the MP3files and turn them back into music), and an output (a socket where youplug in your headphones). Most MP3 players have another output also: alittle LCD display that tells you what's playing.
Switch on your iPod to play your favorite track and it works justlike a computer. The processor chip loads an MP3 file, reads the ID3index cards, and displays the artist and track name on the display.Next, it works its way through the MP3 file reading each frame in turn.It reads the header, followed by the data, and turns the digitalinformation (the binary ones and zeros) back into sound frequenciesthat your ears and your brain decode as music. That's pretty much allthere is to it. But remember this: the real secret of a digital musicplayer is not the plastic gadget in your hand but the clever technologybehind the MP3 files it's playing!
About half the space is taken up by a very thin hard drive (2),which is about the same size as your iPod but only half as thick.Underneath the hard-drive there's a lithium-ion rechargeablebattery (11) and a motherboard (main circuit board) packed with chips that control all the components (9). Beneath thecircuit board there's the scroll wheel (the iPod's equivalent of amouse) and the LCD display.The circuit board is connected to the hard-drive by a flexible brownplastic "ribbon" connector. There's a smaller ribbon connectorlinking the circuit board to the docking connector (where you connectyour iPod to your computer).
There are two pieces of equipment in security: you put your bags through the X-ray machine, and you walk through the metal detector. Some airports also use a body scanner for a more careful check.
Finally, if you need to stand up, but there is a person sitting between you and the aisle, you can say Excuse me and make a motion to start standing up. The person sitting next to you will understand and stand up to let you get out of your seat.
Resetting a Clip Sport Go1. Press and hold the Power/Center Select button for approximately 20 seconds.2. Release the Power/Center Select button.3. Press the Power/Center Select button again to turn on the player.
Resetting a Clip Sport Plus1. Press and hold the Power/Center Select button for approximately 20 seconds.2. Release the Power/Center Select button.3. Press the Power/Center Select button again to turn on the player.
Resetting a Clip Voice1. Press and hold the Power/Center Select button for approximately 20 seconds.2. Release the Power/Center Select button.3. Press the Power/Center Select button again to turn on the player. 2ff7e9595c